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Monkey puzzle : [picture book and CD]

Autor: Donaldson, Julia

A special book and CD edition of the bestselling Monkey Puzzle."I`ve lost my mum!"It`s not too much fun being lost in the jungle, and little monkey wants his mummy. Kindly butterfly is keen to help, but they don`t seem to be having much luck as the well-meaning butterfly misunderstands monkey`s descriptions and leads him to all sorts of unsuitable animals! But eventually, they find. . . Dad! It`s just as well that he knows exactly where mum is, and she`s waiting with a well-deserved

cuddle.Monkey Puzzle is a clever, funny and charming tale from the unparalleled picture-book partnership of Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler, creators of The Gruffalo. Monkey Puzzle Book and CD Pack features the classic story with a stunning redesigned cover and finish, and a story CD read aloud by actress Imelda Staunton, making it a must-have addition to the bookshelves of all Donaldson and Scheffler fans - big and small!

Zobacz pełny opis
Odpowiedzialność:written by Julia Donaldson ; illustrated by Axel Scheffler.
Hasła:Opowiadania i nowele
Adres wydawniczy:London : Macmillan Children`s Books, 2016.
Wydanie:First published, 3 [printing].
Opis fizyczny:[32] strony : ilustracje ; 28 cm + płyta CD.
Uwagi:Na okładce: "Picture Book and CD ; read by Imelda Staunton" ; "By the creators of The Gruffalo".
Twórcy:Scheffler, Axel. (1957- ). Ilustrator

Staunton, Imelda. (1953- ). Lektor

Skocz do:Inne pozycje tego autora w zbiorach biblioteki
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Sygnatura: I
Numer inw.: 73680
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Wypożyczona przez: 613159
do dnia: 2024-07-15

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